Valid on advertised items from local retail competitors 30 days prior or after your purchase from Living Spaces Furniture.
Price matching valid only on identical models and manufacturers. Living Spaces Furniture reserves the right to verify the manufacturer and model of other local retailers' advertised items.
Customer must provide original print ad when making purchase. Copies will not be accepted.
If ad is not dated, Living Spaces Furniture reserves the right to verify current price.
Competitor online pricing subject to verification by Living Spaces Furniture.
Ad must originate from a competing retailer with physical location(s) in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura, San Diego, Maricopa, San Mateo, Alameda, Clark, Collin, Denton, Bexar, Travis, Tarrant, and Dallas County. Internet based furniture retailers do not qualify.
Living Spaces Furniture price matching is offered on in-store transactions only. Pricing matching is not available for phone or internet orders.